24 years
97.9 Customer Satisfaction Score
200k Tickets Closed
83% resolved remotely
97% Resolved within SLA Goal

Have You Heard About Our New Referral Program?

The goal of this program is to assist more businesses with our services. We’ve heard your requests for a program like this, and we are ready to deliver the benefit of our IT solutions to your friends as well.

This referral program is super easy to take advantage of. When you refer a friend, we’ll show our appreciation with these fantastic incentives.

  • A closed opportunity from a referral will grant a $500 gift card to the person making the referral.

Pretty cool right? Just refer a friend or fellow business owner, and all this could be yours! We’re excited to roll out this program and meet your friends and business connections.

*** Qualified: A qualified lead is a business with a minimum of [10] workstations with a legitimate need for Palindrome Consulting services and solutions. Palindrome Consulting Services will have the final say on whether a lead is qualified or not.

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