24 years
97.9 Customer Satisfaction Score
200k Tickets Closed
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Alleviate Customers’ Booking Frustrations with Microsoft Bookings

Microsoft Bookings: Part Of Your Microsoft 365 Subscription For service-based businesses, a significant paint point in the customer experience is the simple process of scheduling an appointment. A traditional appointment-booking system requires the customer to call (or email…

Microsoft Office Lens Lets You Scan Virtually Anything

How Microsoft Office Lens Lets You Scan Virtually Anything As businesses move online, more of their documents become virtual. Even with the mass migration to the digital world, however, there’s still plenty of work done on paper and…

Did You Really “Reply All” On That Last Email?

Office Workers Rejoice: Microsoft is Finally Subduing the Dreaded’ Reply All’ Do never-ending reply-all threads emails put a damper on your business chewing up precious time and resources? The good news is, Microsoft rolled out Reply-All-Storm Protection to…

Microsoft Outlook: FindTime With Colleagues

Everything You Need to Know About Operating and Using FindTime Scheduling meetings seems like it should be an easy task. However, anyone who does business knows with everyone’s busy schedules how difficult it can be to find a…

Microsoft Teams Options Improve Remote Presentations

Microsoft Teams Options Improve Remote Presentations Until the recent rollout of Microsoft Teams background customization feature, videoconferencing was a sometimes less-then-enviable communication vehicle. Users would have to tidy up the workspace, scrunch the camera to only capture their…