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Easy Ways to Improve Productivity Using OneNote

Microsoft’s OneNote application is great for taking notes, but its functionality is much more than just that. We’ll be sharing some of our favorite tips and tricks to help you make the most of your OneNote. Of course,…

Tip of the Week: Who Should Have Admin Accounts?

Depending on their work roles within your organization, your employees will either have an ordinary user account or an administrator account. This can be one of the more stressful parts of managing a network, as the answer for…

Tip of the Week: Easy to Remember Tricks for Windows 10

Working with your computer for so much of the day means you need to get as much productivity out of it as possible. If you can speed up some of the ways you access specific information, you can…

Tip of the Week: Managing Your Windows Arrangement

The modern worker (or really, the modern person) spends a lot of their time looking at a computer screen. Considering this, it only makes sense that their screens and the items displayed on them are arranged in a…

Tip of the Week: How to Spot a Scam

What would you do if you sat down at your desk one morning, coffee still kicking in, to discover a pop-up message on your computer announcing that Microsoft has detected a fatal issue with your workstation, and if…