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Insight into Microsoft Office LTSC

Insight into Microsoft Office LTSC The general recommendation for anyone who wants to know how they can manage Windows 10 updates is to use the Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) as the default channel for servicing Windows 10 devices. In…

How Automation Rejuvenates Productivity

There are some cases where productivity is a challenge, especially in the case where you’re being asked to work on something repetitive or monotonous. To make these tasks more bearable, automation solutions can be used. Although, depending on…

Getting to Know Technology: Plug-In

The Internet is an amazing tool in and of itself, but like many tools, it can sometimes work better if other tools are used alongside it. These additional tools are called plug-ins. Here, we’ll discuss what a plug-in…

Three Keys to Proper Software Management

Nowadays, every company relies on some kind of software in order to properly function, so you need to ensure that this software is properly managed in order to maintain operations. While this may sound like a grand undertaking,…