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Achieving Success with Information Technology

Why Organizations Need to View IT as Central to Success and Profit Think Your IT Department is Simply There to Make Repairs and Solve Minor Problems? Find Out Why It Should Be the Center of Your Organization’s Long-Term…

How to Automate Microsoft Outlook Email Responses

Automate Email Replies in Four Ways to Share Information Better Learn how to use four powerful tools to automate Microsoft Outlook email responses, including Automatic Replies, Quick Parts, Signatures and Templates   Managing email responses, especially if you…

These 4 Issues are Paralyzing CFOs from Moving to the Cloud

CFOs have long been challenged by the value proposition of capital technology investments, often requiring in-depth analysis and reviews before making the plunge. While the lower monthly costs of cloud-based computing may overcome this inertia in some instances,…

These 4 Issues are Paralyzing CFOs from Moving to the Cloud

CFOs have long been challenged by the value proposition of capital technology investments, often requiring in-depth analysis and reviews before making the plunge. While the lower monthly costs of cloud-based computing may overcome this inertia in some instances,…

Why Do IT Departments Report To The CFO

Organizational structure is something that is hotly debated at businesses around the world, but one of the biggest mysteries is where it makes sense to have the technology teams. IT has both a strategic thread as well as…