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Why Is Cybersecurity the Number One Concern for CEOs in 2019?

While some might assume that fear of an economic recession would be at the top of the list of key issues CEOs concern themselves with, a recent survey found that another issue is of much greater concern: Cybersecurity. This…

The CEO/CIO Relationship: A Vital Tie

In its look at the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2019, Gartner notes that businesses need to address an astounding number of technologies that will change the way companies run, their business models and their internal processes. From the…

The CEO/CIO Relationship: A Vital Tie

In its look at the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2019, Gartner notes that businesses need to address an astounding number of technologies that will change the way companies run, their business models and their internal processes. From the…

The CEO’s Guide To A Strong Relationship With Your IT Consultant

IT consultants provide valuable insights to businesses looking for guidance on technologies that lead to better business outcomes. Having a strong relationship with your IT consultant leads to more productive collaboration and discussions that are more fruitful. It…

The CEO’s Guide To A Strong Relationship With Your IT Consultant

IT consultants provide valuable insights to businesses looking for guidance on technologies that lead to better business outcomes. Having a strong relationship with your IT consultant leads to more productive collaboration and discussions that are more fruitful. It…