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Can You Legally and Ethically Monitor Your Employee’s Online Activities?

Monitoring employee behavior is nothing new, as supervisors have been stalking their staff for generations. What has changed is the degree to which employee behavior is transparent in the workplace, with sophisticated monitoring solutions in play one could…

Hiring Tech: 2019 CEOs Tech Hiring Guide

As your business operations evolve and expand, you’ll likely reach a critical point in your company’s growth where the tasks required will outnumber the staff you have available. Deciding to outsource work might be a difficult decision, partly…

What Is Windows Lite?

Is Windows Lite Microsoft’s Answer to Google’s Chrome OS? Microsoft is working on a new operating system — Lite — with a different look that’s designed for the casual computer user while targeting Google’s Chrome OS   Windows…

Windows 7 Support Is Ending

  Did you know? Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7 in January 2020. Beginning this April, Microsoft will start displaying pop-ups on all Windows 7 computers alerting the users that their support for Windows 7 will be ending.…