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5 Ways to Declutter Your Microsoft Outlook Inbox and Become More Productive

Declutter Your Inbox and Become More Productive Key Points From The Article: CEOs have a lot on their plate, and an overflowing inbox that's getting out of control can compromise their productivity. Like any other CEO, you're no…

How To Use Conditional Formatting In Excel to Highlight Patterns and Trends in a Heap of Data

Conditional Formatting In Excel Key Points from The Article: Conditional formatting is an excellent feature of Excel that highlights trends and patterns on large spreadsheets. Your business can apply conditional formatting differently to bring attention to specific cells.…

Hurricane Season in South Florida
Hurricane Preparedness 2022

Hurricane Preparedness 2022 June 1st marked the start of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which runs through November 30th. As a South Florida business owner, you are probably well-versed in hurricane preparedness and have likely hurricane-proofed your business…

Should Fort Lauderdale Businesses Outsource Cybersecurity?

Should Fort Lauderdale Businesses Outsource Cybersecurity? Given the rising level of cybersecurity threats, it makes sense to wonder if businesses should outsource cybersecurity. What risk comes with taking this approach, especially for high-target, high-risk industries like finance and…

Palindrome Jumps Into Action On Saturday Night

Palindrome Jumps Into Action On Saturday Night IT support is a critical element of any organization's success, and the demand for professional IT support services has increased significantly over the years. Advancing technology has made it easier than…

Russia Targeting Ukraine With WordPress Malware

Russia Targeting Ukraine With WordPress Malware A huge security update just came out regarding websites that have WordPress. The Russians are now hacking WordPress websites.  There has been a sharp increase in DDoS attacks against Ukrainian targets that…